A04 - NMR-on-a-chip transceivers for ultra-sensitive multinuclear NMR

Project A04 deals with the investigation and the proof-of-concept design of transceivers for broad-band, heteronuclear, yet very sensitive NMR experiments (X-nuclei NMR). Here, we will both inves-tigate truly broadband concepts that altogether avoid frequency selective elements in the NMR frontend, in principle, allowing for concurrent X-nuclei NMR experiments and electronically tuned (but not impedance matched) frontends that allow for time-multiplexed X-nuclei NMR. Both research paths make use of chip-integrated, in-field NMR transceivers, which enable the new broadband to-pologies investigated in this project. The project directly caters to the overarching CRC goals of min-iaturization and throughput enhancement. The resulting lab prototypes of project A04 will be of great use in several other CRC projects (e. g. B02, C02, and C04). Project A04 will receiver crucial input from project C01 in the form of customly optimized pulse sequences.


Jens AndersKIT
Project leader

Prof. Dr. Jens Anders

Universität Stuttgart

Tobias WirthTobias Wirth
Doctoral researcher

Tobias Wirth

Universität Stuttgart