C04 - Next generation MAS: bringing and controlling experiments within the MAS rotor
The mission of project C04 is to disruptively improve MAS instrumentation specifically by facilitating the control of various types of experiments inside the rotor during spinning. Therefore, project C04 is deeply rooted in the HyPERiON landscape contributing towards the overall goal of addressing in-strumental MR challenges in a non-incremental manner. Project C04 will address these challenges specifically in the area of solid-state NMR in a synergetic way within the CRC by means of miniatur-ization, with a considerable focus on sample handling and conditioning. Besides being a contributor to the global targets of the CRC, project C04 is best placed within HyPERiON benefitting from the other key research competences of participating PI’s, e.g., in the fields of miniaturized heat transfer and cooling, in operando NMR, or CMOS.