HyPERiON - Summer School 2024

HyPERiON held its second summer school on 28th of July until 1st of August 2024 at Kloster Neustadt in Neustadt/Weinstraße. The summer school brought together all of HyPERiON's doctoral researchers from our four partner institutions. At the last day of the summer school, the consortium also held its annual meeting.
During the summer school HyPERiON's doctoral students attended workshops on scientific illustrations and presentation techniques as well as evening lectures by invited speakers. We were especially happy to welcome members of our scientific advisory board: Verena Streitferdt (BASF), Andrew Webb (University of Leiden), and Jürgen Hennig (Universitätsklinikum Freiburg).
A hike to the Hambacher Schloss was the closing event for this year's summer school before the CRC members convened for their annual meeting.